hey guys! that^^ is heather *my bff!* and josh at homecoming!!! woohoo.
yea heathers my babygurl, and josh and i have been tight since the same time me and bryan met (after the whole i stalk bryan and his friends situation when i was in 10th grade lol)
but yea... in 10th grade i went with josh 2 homecoming! that was the shiz... some girl got in a fight with me 4 him. i hate that whore... she was like 'u dont own him bitch' hahaha well he was the one following me not u hunny!
ok thats in the past WAY PAST anyways
wouldnt they make a cute couple? heather is the type of person who is in a relationship with sum1 but she lets him call her names and shit... uh nooo not gana do that 2 my best friend! she even admitted that when she grows up she'll prolly have an abusive husband she keeps coming back too.
god i hope not! thats why josh would be sooo good 4 her... he's so sweet and everything she just needs 2 4get the loser she's with. and id never pull a friend from sum1 they love... but she really needs to move on :(
i duno why i posted this... just was looking at pics and it made me smile... ::memories!:: homecoming was gr8 with bry bry and i and the afterparty and all. i love u babes!
well heres another pic... not the best... but eh. u get the idea... its me and heather... enjoy!
keep in mind *i think i look horrible.... but seth and bryan and heather and bena and maria all loved it... so yea here:

told ya it was bad! im ugly tho... i make all pics look bad :( lol

im in love with ur diary its very coool!!
you and your bff are so cute and gorgeous!
stop saying bad stuff about yourself when you know your not that!
X Mason
But, for someone with a squished face, you look good.
your pretty!