wow my mood is in the range of: chipped black nail polish... i feel a lot like the way my finger nails look ha.
does that explain?
well bryan got switched out of my resource and i ended up yelling at the stupid bitch whore of a teacher. ugh. so no more grand day 3's wif muh baby and me :(
oh's well's! lol *sounds like heather*
the day was pretty sllllooooooowwwww beyond that lil tif.
but lunch was okay... found out me and bryan are more alike than we know. but thats our lil secret, right babes. ha IF YOU GUYS ONLY KNEW WHAT WE WERE UP TO NOW!
he wrote me a really adorable note today... i 4got what all it said but believe me its the sweetest thing i ever read... ill prolly post it later =D
i found out travis has cancer from bryan :( he's in really bad shape from what ive heard... bryan said it was ironic that his number was *gods number on the movie bruce almighty* the last time i saw him he seemed fine... kinda odd. it'll be different w/o 'charlie' around, even tho lately we havent talked. sad sad
oh yea 4 an anniversary present i told bryan i was gana .k.i.l.l. someone and leave them on his doorstep damnit i cant say who... for fear they may find my diary... but AS IF THEY DONT already know. oh well
it'll never happen anyways.
welp. im outie SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo hungry!!!
lol leave comments!!!!!!!!!!!

whoa there tiger!getting frisky??
im sorry about your friend i pray for him
well i hope yo