
[music]-[scary music soundtrack hehe]
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
cantbeperfect goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as beautiful witch dressed all in black. |
blueeyes6002 gives you 10 light orange chocolate-flavoured jelly beans. |
crashflame24 gives you 9 mauve grapefruit-flavoured nuggets. |
demonoid3 gives you 11 green banana-flavoured gummy bears. |
gav696969 gives you 1 green root beer-flavoured gummies. |
fsujas4p gives you 12 red-orange tropical-flavoured gummy bats. |
greensageki gives you 13 light orange raspberry-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. |
randomhoe11 tricks you! You lose 18 pieces of candy! |
rubygirl721 tricks you! You get a rock. |
aebabe1409 gives you 13 brown lemon-flavoured nuggets. |
sugasquezze gives you 4 purple root beer-flavoured gumdrops. |
cantbeperfect ends up with 55 pieces of candy, and a rock. |
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
awwww i did good! bena tricked me tho! damn her lol!!!
wish me happy birthday im 18 today as if u didnt know lol.

7. do u still trick or treat?
A: i think i still trick or treat...or at least something on halloween this year is iffy though dunno if i have plans... sad