awwe yessss....
the bitch that stole my life (or tried) made an sitDiary today... actually not that long ago... come on bitch SAY SUMMIN U KNOW U WANNA U WHORE!
ok anyways still feeling ill still shaking still waiting 4 bryan still thinking he's doing this on purpose *puttin me threw hell cuz he knows he could come back and id take him back but what if i suddenly stop caring?*
before i worried he would... now i worry he will come back and ill walk away. i dont want that either.
i duno where he is... i wish he'd get on to break my fears of what he's prolly doing with god knows who.
now i sound like him... but im allowed to worry
see he wants trust but the thing is... i found out about all the lies on my own and he denied each and every one of them for a long time...
he never told me or admitted to any of them from the start... i had to force it out of him.
thats why its so hard 2 trust him now....
its not been once its been 6 or 7 times
lies about girls
places he been
more girls
yea and most people would say im a great person 4 sticking this out.
i dont care about all that tho.
i just know i love this boy. with all my heart.

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