i wrote an entry it didnt save oh well... ill write it again tomorrow.
that song was suga suga by frankie j. that he dedicated to me and everyone that commented ill comment back tomorrow okie. no time 4 now. need more sleep i never get anyways lol
i love you bry bry (with all muh lil heart hehe)
-lookie what he said-
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: i want us to be close agian roo
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: =
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: i mean closer than ever before
Sk8erChick2004 [8:57 PM]: yea...
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: yeah
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: i want us to be close agian roo
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: =
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: i mean closer than ever before
Sk8erChick2004 [8:57 PM]: yea...
Toxictouch13 [8:57 PM]: yeah
Toxictouch13 [8:59 PM]: i miss that, i really just wish you and i can just work everything out, i will stop them dumb lil lies and everything, i just want us to be closer and better
Toxictouch13 [8:59 PM]: i dont' want anymore fighting
Sk8erChick2004 [8:59 PM]: me neither
Toxictouch13 [8:59 PM]: i am sorry
Sk8erChick2004 [9:00 PM]: its ok
Toxictouch13 [9:01 PM]: =
Toxictouch13 [9:01 PM]: let's try to eat the same lunch tomorrow
Toxictouch13 [9:01 PM]: you want to take turns
Sk8erChick2004 [9:01 PM]: sure :)
Toxictouch13 [9:01 PM]: ?
Toxictouch13 [9:01 PM]: okay
Toxictouch13 [9:02 PM]: i wanted to take turns cuz my 5th period teacher is a btich and she get's on my case everytime i leave on day 5's
ooh thats what i want too us to be back to us! :(
he wanted to come over and pick me up so i could spend the night there but im afriad of getting caught by his mom :/ and of course him getting caught only driving with a permit.
ill have my lisence soon tho... yay 18 in 5 days!
he's going to his dads this weekend. thats upsetting
but were going to see a movie tho :) texas chainsaw massacre and maybe scary movie 3 woohoohoo
i hope he goes to his g-mas and not all the way 2 his dads cuz i hate those girls, specially the one that tried to kiss him :(
hmph. im gana hurt her bad. just give me a chance ;)
my hair looked ok 4 being a bunch of fugly ass pink madness. i had it in 2 messy buns they looked all pink with blonde streaks lol. i hate pink
eww ugliest color ever! stuck to my head! ick!
but jenna likes it. she said it was cute :)
okie welp leave some comments then. lol
peace out

But its great that you and Br(i/y)an are trying to make things work out. I can tell its important.