mann people leave me a lot of comments and all... but i get like none at night... maybe i just post 2 close together? eh.
ive had this diary almost 2 months now. 2day was the 1st time i even thought about giving it up.
man im sittin here eatin pringles. oh yay prolly gaining a pound. ick.
im also sittin here looking at my buddy list wondering why they wont allow more than 200 people on it. i gada take sum1 off everytime i put sum1 on. annoying!
but yea bryans s/n is there amoung the other 62 people online.
his along with 70% of everyone else has an away msg on. i miss him sooo much. i want him to come back and get online and to hear he misses me too.
tonight i really questioned how much he loves me... and i cried a eyes hurt from it :/
but anyways people are a bunch of whores and assholes, we dont hurt us... everyone else does. i sometimes dont think i want to ever be in love :( but its 2 late i cant break what me and my baby have.
+our dreams+

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