so after my last entry bryan called
it was a sweet lil convo :)
he wanted me to sing.... i did
he says i sing great but i think he's just trying to make me feel good... eh.
why it was sooo hard to squeeze the words i love you out of my mouth is beyond me.
maybe i feared he wouldnt say them back or that he would say oh.
or maybe because in my heart i know i do and i cant escape it.
the way we talked was like nothing in the world was wrong.
that scares me tho b/c he did that to me last winter... he called me and talked to me, acted like we never broke up. told me he loved me and all yet had another 2 girls on the side.
its hard to know whats real?
i have my own world in my head... in my world were 27 and married we have a 2 year old named LaChientica Leilani Tatiana we live in Cali. and we only ever fight over the remote lol.
i know... im stupid. but its a dream world okay?
im afraid things are getting worse not making progress. im so afriad this is the end.
last night after the phone thing he got online but i cant put the whole convo on here... it would only piss people off and they wouldnt read it cuz its hella long.
but ill pick out summin from it to show u what it was all about...
Sk8erChick2004 [12:17 AM]: i hope i see you soon
Toxictouch13 [12:17 AM]: i know
Sk8erChick2004 [12:17 AM]: ill give u a backrub
Toxictouch13 [12:17 AM]: maybe tomora
Toxictouch13 [12:17 AM]: that would be nice
Toxictouch13 [12:18 AM]: i would do the same for you too
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: and whisper i love you in ur ear
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: and sing
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: softly
Toxictouch13 [12:18 AM]: that would be the best
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: fall asleep holding u like its the last day ill see u for the rest of my life
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: not a single fight
Sk8erChick2004 [12:18 AM]: not a single mean word
Toxictouch13 [12:19 AM]: for the rest of our life
Sk8erChick2004 [12:19 AM]: lol well the rest of our life starts 2morrow
Sk8erChick2004 [12:19 AM]: it'll be a start at least
Toxictouch13 [12:19 AM]: hopefully
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: night roo
Sk8erChick2004 [12:20 AM]: i love you
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: te amo
Sk8erChick2004 [12:20 AM]: im sorry
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: :D
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: i love you too
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: its okay baby
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: night
Sk8erChick2004 [12:20 AM]: :(
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: :( - :)
Toxictouch13 [12:20 AM]: cheer up
Sk8erChick2004 [12:21 AM]: im sorry 4 being a shitty g/f
Toxictouch13 [12:21 AM]: for me
Toxictouch13 [12:21 AM]: your not
Sk8erChick2004 [12:21 AM]: i coulda done better
Toxictouch13 [12:21 AM]: just difficulties between BOTH of us, i would like to put it
Sk8erChick2004 [12:21 AM]: i coulda cared less and let u do more
Toxictouch13 [12:21 AM]: it's okay hunn
Sk8erChick2004 [12:21 AM]: i just felt like u didnt have time 2 have a g/f
Toxictouch13 [12:22 AM]: i could have done alot of things too
Sk8erChick2004 [12:22 AM]: its fine baby
we also talked about the thing with jenna. he really didnt go off... *not like he usually does*
we more just talked about it and he pushed me hard to believe him.
we talked about a lot in a small period of time... sorta like we used to. i loved it.
welp ima go get a shower just in case he comes over 2 day.
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