I'm terribly ill at the moment, but I did get a chance to go out and get some fresh air today.
This is what I did:
I woke up and needed tissues immediately. Good morning runny nose.

I signed on to Twitter to tell Kerri I was alive enough to come and see her. Good morning Tim Curry.

Tiem for my morning jamz.

Good morning Buddah.

Good morning...other...Buddah.

At the Bay Downtown, we saw a scale, and weighed ourselves. The scale was a liar.
Hello Lying scale.

These are my foodz.

This is Sam and Kerri's lunch.

My foodz R gone.

Looking for bra'z, came across this label.
Incase its too blury, it says 'Up to big cups' WTF?

Apollo is ready to fuck shit up.

Back to where I started. My computer. Hell yeah thats Kerri's blog in the background. Hittin up her 12 of 12.

So that was my day. How was yours?
--Sicker than a regular sick person. Which is pretty sick if you ask me.