Listening to: S.O.S - Jonas Brothers
Feeling: old
Okay, so...
Pretty much the best thing of the entire summer. I'm calling it now.
The stage was pretty goddamn epic, for one thing. It was a large Octogon in the middle of the floor with two long walk ways along the left and right that ended in two more octogons. The middle one had three tiers, the last teir had a ring that spun around, and one that opened up and rose up and down. The one to the left, had a rig that rose up with a ramp of sorts, and Kevin and Joe went up in the air to spray the audience with foam. The one to the right had a rig that went a wayyyy up in the air. Also it is the stage that got rained on. The rain fell in the patterns of: Hearts, Zig Zags, The JB logo, and the Jonas Brothers them selves. PRETTY FUCKING AMAZING. (Also before 'Lovebug', Kevin came out in a hot white trench coat, and split that curtian of rain like moses opening up the fucking red sea. Hell yeah.)
The Jonas brothers came up outta that hole in the middle of the center octogon, like hot firemen out of a cake of wonder and amazement, to the many screams of 16,000 little girls, and me.
At one point in the show, Kevin Jonas came around the third and last teir of the middle octogon, closest to my section. I waved franticly screaming "KEVINNNN KEVINNNNN" He looked up right at me, in my eyes, pointed, and winked.
My night was made.
They last song they played was 'S.O.S' and to my utter delight, Kevin busted out his rediculously, stupidly, awesomely, hot, S.O.S dance, that made me fall in love with the guy in the first place.
The encore was of course, 'Burnin Up' and to the joy of everyone in the crowd, Big Rob came up from the hole of wonder to bust out his rap at the end of the song.
I had the best night of my life I think. My throat is still trying to recoup from it. Today will be the second day since the concert.
In other news, there is no other news, so with out further ado, at five thirty AM.
-- Saw the Jonas up close, and personal.
How can you not love a face like that one?
K.J. ♥

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