Listening to: Aenima - Tool
Feeling: emotionless
So, according to my 16 year old sister, all of her problems are my fault.
Yeah, Uh-huh.
Well, girly, I'm not the one try's to have strange boys come into the house when no one is home. I'm not the one who chose's not to do her chores. I'm not the one who tells her big sister that she's "Going out" and that she "Can't tell me what to do." I'm not the one who say's shes going for a walk to the Seven Eleven -thats twenty minutes away- and comes back three hours later.
And to think I bought this girl pizza for dinner, which might I add, I got no thanks for.
I am the most terrible sister in the world, clearly.
She also proceeded to yell at me about how I "Don't trust her friends" and "Can't tell her what to do."
The additude I get for absoloutley nothing is astounding my friends.
I got home four hours ago, and this is what I get:
Four angry phone calls from my mother, One 12 year old brother who feels the need to say "Fuck" when ever the tinyest thing happens, a sister who could care less about the rest of the family and does as she see's fit, and a repeat of Oz.
Some evening.
I was SUPPOSED to go see my good friend Aaron and his band play tonight, but that's also been ruined for me.
Some mother fucking evening.
I'm going to wallow for a while and then watch Dean Winters get molested by some slutty women.
--Going to throttle my sister.

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