Poor little tin man, still swinging his axe even though his joints are clogged with rust.
by staticpallourListening to: Boiled Frogs - Alexsisonfire
Feeling: thirsty
I changed my entire blog to be mostly black, simply because its easier on your monitor and saves energy.
Congratulations, your visiting my page has made you that much greener!
Do what you can to help right?
I am eating a sucker, and Dr. Rykiss can just deal with it.
I like them, and if I don't bite them my braces will be fine and no one will be the wiser.
Just like my Bagel incident.
Braces are the worst. They really truly are. I know it will be worth it, I know. And I volunteered for braces because I wanted straight teeth that bad. I just hate them.
So I will bitch about them and you will like it.
I saw a man get on the bus today, stand in the isle, sniff the air like a dog, and then sit down. Then he started to laugh in hysterics.
I love watching people.
One time I saw a man in pink boots, blue snow pants with suspenders and a bright red trucker cap walking through Polo Park.
It was hysterical.
All the good funny people hang out at Polo Park. Just try watching them some time. You will not be let down.
I cut my bangs this morning.
They just really got to the point that I was pissed as hell at them, so I took my scissors and I chopped them off.
They actually look pretty good. Can't complain.
UPDATE: That guy's name is Kevin Rudolph.
He's nothing like Kevin Jonas

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