Listening to: I am over it - The Dandy Warhols
Feeling: aloof
You know, I always take that ‘Current Mood’ thing as a joke. Most times I close my eyes and pick a mood at random.
Today, I saw the man of my dreams on the bus. Right adjacent to me. Tall, Dark unruly hair, stubble, full lips, thin but toned, and the best part…bright, piercing blue eyes. I laid eyes upon this godly creature and felt my mouth go dry. I automatically slipped into clumsy, flustered, Kim, as I stumbled to an empty seat. I tired to look at him the whole way to The Bay, but I tried to make it not obvious.
I hope I get to see this man again, or even meet and talk to him. All though, he was too much like what I see in my dreams to be real I think. Maybe he was a hallucination; I mean I was rubbing stickers off license plate holders with ‘Goop Gone’ all afternoon. I might have been high off the fumes. In any case, I want to meet this glorious creature. Prince Charming has arrived, its time for him to do his job and sweep me off my feet.
It’s now, been a little over a week since JoBro’s. My throat is STILL thanking me for that one. STILL, but it was worth it. I find.
Oh how ironic…the song has been ‘Godless’ by the Dandy Warhol’s the whole time I was typing about dream boy. WWWEEIRRDDDD.
I had a dream last night that Kevin Jonas broke off his engagement with his fiancé, and quit the Jonas Brothers to come work at a construction site here in Winnipeg that happened to be a new Nyguard building. He also had renounced his religion. I met him and we became really good friends. I would make him lunch and bring it and we would have some fun times doing silly things to make each other laugh. He mentioned his religion and that some of the things he still felt strongly about, and he mentioned that he was homophobic, or made a comment of the sort, so I got really mad. REALLY mad, and I yelled at him a lot and wouldn’t talk to him. When he came to apologize, looking all fucking cute and hot and sorry and shit, I went to hit him, but I didn’t, I couldn’t and he picked me up and I said “What would you do if I said that I was gay?†and he said “I would tell you to divorce.†Okay what?? Apparently my subconscious mind makes no sense what-so-ever. Yeah. Strange, but anyways He took me back into my bedroom and set me down on the chair, and knelt down in front of me, and after that many good things happened in my personal area of space and I was okay with it. Kevin Jonas is allowed in my bubble ANYTIME.
Best dream of my life pretty much, despite the odd response from Kevin.
I wish such things would happen. I love Kevin Jonas like fat kid love cake.
Apparently, when summer hits, I have more stories to tell. And boy, do I have one for you.
This happened a couple of weeks ago, I just got side tracked by a bunch of work related things, and this got set on the backburner, but I digress.
I had just left the Tim Horton’s at Graham and Fort, I crossed the street, and turned left to walk to the bus stop. I was still about a half an hour early for the bus that would get me to work on time. I noticed the earlier one turn onto Graham. I decided to pass it up, as I did not want to be over a half an hour early. So I walked into the bus shack and took a seat on the only dry looking bench. I plug my headphones back into my head, and turn on some music. I put my coffee down beside me to search for a song that suited my fancy. Just as I look up from adjusting my pant-leg, I see a strange man walk past, wave at me. I hold my hand up stationary as a nice gesture, as I am completely clueless as to who this man is. He is an older gentleman. I’d say close to 50, and if you are a fellow TCIer, he looked like Mr. Weibe, but much shorter and thinner. He was wearing a largely over-sized gray suit and was balding ever so slightly. I look up from my iPod again, in time to see the man stop dead in his tracks, and turn to come back my way. I look back down to my iPod, and yank out my cell phone, for a message and time check. The next time I look up the man is in the doorway of the bus shack, apparently trying to speak with me. I pull out one headphone and say ‘Pardon me?’ The man repeats: ‘Hi, sorry I just thought you looked familiar when I walked by, that’s why I waved at you.’
‘Oh…uh okay…’ That’s nice buddy. Why are you talking to me?
‘Hi I’m…’ I forget his name. ‘And you are?’ He extends his hand out to me.
‘Katey…’ An obvious lie.
‘Katey, pretty name, nice to meet you Katey. Are you on your way home from work?’
‘Actually I’m on my way to work…’
‘Oh! What do you do for a living Katey?’
‘I’m a radio broadcaster.’ Not quite a lie. I have a degree you know.
‘Oh well that’s kinda cool, gets the bills payed right?’
‘Heh, yeah…’ He obviously thinks I’m much older and apparently loaded.
‘Hey what do you say I buy you a coffee?’
‘I have one thanks…’
‘Well then could I take you out for coffee sometime?’
‘Um…my bus is coming soon so…’
‘Oh well, maybe we’ll see each other again. You seem like a nice woman to get to know.’
‘Bye now’
Yeah….I wasn’t sure if I should have been creeped out or flattered. I shoved my headphones back in and took a long sip of my coffee. That was officially the weirdest thing to happen to me. I mean I don’t consider my self ugly, but at the same time, no one has ever come up to me off the street and blatantly asked me out. All though I am still quite young. I hope my dream boy does such a thing. I’d be on that shit like white on rice. Work or no work.
I really needed to think before I proclaimed my summer song. I’ve changed it yet again. Now it’s ‘Paranoid’ by the Jonas Brothers. In two days it became my number one most played song, with 107 plays.
Alas I have nothing left to blog about at this moment so, with out further ado…
--Very strange series of events.
I have an addiction. His name is Kevin Jonas.

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