Listening to: A day in the Life - The Beatles
Feeling: idiotic
I hate it.
I used to like it, but now?
Now I hate it.
Facebook, you, are not twitter. You will never be twitter. So stop trying.
Just as your getting used to the new layout...they change it. AGAIN.
Fuck you facebook.
Yeah. I said it.
It's friday.
A good day Friday. Friday the 13th.
Anyone overly superstitious about it?
I'm not really, but you know, some people are.
I wonder why 13 became so unlucky. That would be a great documentary. There probably is one about it. I should look it up.
Actaully it's now Saturday.
Saturday is a good day too.
My week has been uneventful. We had to do this T.V. clinic with the acting teacher Rebecca. Now, I like Rebecca. I do. I love acting. I really do. It's my passion, but I will not be a corperate puppet.
I soon found out that, that is what hosting essentially is. They make you change your clothes, your hair, your look, your personality, all for what? To sell your product, your show, your whatever.
No thanks. If I wanted to be someone else, I would go get hired on a real television show. Not this shit.
I don't need to impress these people.
I have also come to the realizeation that broadcasting is not what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Sucks that it had to be this way.
Oh well. What can you do right?
I've met some great people though!
I may work in a station or what ever. Do it as a job until I can do what I really love.
Good back up.
I'm really going to consider getting a vocal teacher and trying operatic singing.
I think it would be hella cool to try.
It is late. I am tired. This post is pointless.
Here is your final thought:
You totally know you do.
Fucking irrisistable.
-- Ah. Look at all the lonely people.

And it would seem that Photobucket found my photo offensive.
I don't think it was offensive. The box said 'rape' on it. Thats french for somthing I bet. Of course you would want to know whats in it! It's a box. Boxes are made to be filled and then opened at a later time.
Stoopid Photobucket.