Listening to: lamb of god - ruin
Feeling: numb
so today was ok. nothing really big but still boring. i fell asleep in math..again and in english too. oh well, and tomorrow we get progress reports where im probably failing half my classes. i started my new soccer season yesterday..FINALLY and i have some good people which are me, kelly, leslie and lillybeth but there are some other girls whom ive never seen before and they suck. so thats not good. but ill make sure they try their best or ill kick their ass =] kelly however killed my phone yesterday and the whole night it wouldnt work cause water got in it. but now that i got home from school, its alive again. it was a $350 phone.... it better stay alive. lets see, nothing else is new. oh yea today in p.e i got so pissed cause all these rappers and ghetto people were making fun of rockers and headbangers and i got so pissed cause they were basically making fun of me. but damn its not fair cause my teacher is ghetto and shes on their side. what a fxcking bitch. but damn if they do it again, im going to blow up.

Hows it going? Did you see my last entry? I made italic letters all by my self with out help^.^
can you tell dollsvomit that i can't get on to her diary for some odd reason but hello....