this is me and my best friend jacqueline. i wont say which is me but both of us look horrible. this was at a easter party [that wud explain the ears!]in april of this year. um.....yea god we both look horrible! oh well....lol have fun guessing whose who. well anyways me n jak have known each other for like 9 years. she goes to HML but we've split up in skool but we see each other at church classes or used to cuz now i finished and im confirmed. and in soccer she quit [she was the goalie] and we lost cause of her, oh well but then again shes like 5'8" im like 5'2"...yea im shirt so what...i can beat your ass...lol. ne ways yea but im afraid that well split up forever cuz she always has a boyfriend and i have barely had any...not because im ugly [cuz im not...i belive im beautiful :D] lol....but cuz im looking for sum1 different itz hard to explain but sum1 wit mendy's looks and i guess a mixture of marco's and demetros's personality. ther both good guys but sumtimes ther just so freaking annoying. i still havnt found that one guy, but my other boyfriends have just been for fun. like take gio for ex.....i never told anyone about it cuz it only lasted like 3 months after my b-day and like around christmas i saw mendy and i didnt like him anymore and he said ok....so we finished and i decided not to give another guy a chance [so many asked me out] cuz i wanted to stalk one boy. lol. otherwise i wud be goin out wit mimi cuz he asked me but oh well. it never wud have worked hes like 6'3" [ it dosent look right and he liked alyssa--- i saw the way he talked to her]. but ne ways back to jak, she is..ok.. shes a perky plastic prep [sorry karin] and im a hvy mtl punk rocker who kicks ass..........she only hangs out wit me cuz inside we find sum similarities but as well grow thers less and less. i just hope we dont end our relationship on a big argument cuz that wud be way to painful.
Thanks for the comment. Your diary looks cool too.