Listening to: the used - poetic tragedy
Feeling: awesome
ok, so i just woke up its [11:06 a.m]...yeah i have to start waking up 5 and sleeping earlier. damn i only have 7 days ledt of "Freedom". which sucks because this whole summer sucked. oh well, remember that picture i did of me where im all blue? well i was playing with the software again and i took a picture of my friend tansie and made it into a cartoon with my own personal touches. im getting better at using the software, which is kinda good but what i really want to do is gifs....either way this program might help :D....
this is tansie s.

damn im getting good!
-please comment on your thought

Cool diary btw.
Have a good one :)
I cant believe its august already, schools everywhere are starting to open, i can here every parent in the world now...dancing and sing....blah