Listening to: the used: pieces mended
Feeling: happy
this line took 5 minutes to make
i come back tomorrow to sunny south florida. god i miss it so...but im gonna miss my background country sooo much because im barely here. ive had an awesome time. god i wish so many things. but one thing i look so forward to is seeing jake. i love him. but im having many thoughts....like expanding our relationship to a no-return depth. i love him, but as my wise friend said to me..."if you get pregnant...ill kill you"
thats something to think about.
plz comment
UPDATE [7.25]
im back......airplane was good, ride was good. im too tired to write details.

I think if you feel strong enough for this boy...take it to the limit.
You may get hurt in the end but you may not and it can be the best decision you ever make! Haha and yes...do not get pregnant. I'm still a virgin...but as of right now the boy I'm with I have no problem giving it up to...wait for the person who makes you feel that way...thats when you know theyre worth keeping! :o]
have a good day.