this is going to be sort of preppy but just to let you know im not a prep.
ok, so this really happened on sunday the day after my reunion and its when me and jake went to go see white chicks. he hadnt seen it and i did but wutever i didnt mind its a good movie. and so we were friends at the time. but before i go on lets go back. i met him at one of my soccer games he was refeering us and he said i played awesome and so on. and then my idiotic teamates told him to ask me out and he told me he would but he wanted to take me to a movie first. so i went with my friend and her boyfriend and then me and jake. so after the movie my friend and her bf go sumwhere leaving me and jake alone. so he kept telling me about himself and he made me smile so much. hes really sweet. and so after that he emailed me and somehow got my number and form then on i talk to him all the time and so hes my boyfriend now. and im so happy because my last one was just a memory that i want to forget. but for now im happy and i havent been happy in a while.
i said this was going to be preppy. lol, boy o boy.
i leave u with this:
¿Is there a better place you can take me
A better life you can give me
A place where I can start all over
And I will never need what you gave me
And never need you to save me
And never feel like this life is over?

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
is your header supposed to bounce? or am i seein things?
As does football :P
Have a good one
Linkin Park! YAYYY
Humm.. "Preppy" Hahahah
Lyke Oh Mah God
Hehehe o.0