Listening to: summerland on tv
Feeling: placid
ok, so today we actually went to the mall and got my school pants. i ended up getting six. which was cool, but i have more in my closet that will do. like my olive green zipper pants and my huge bell bottom pants. and my black zipper pants and my plain blacks. so thats 4, but ill use those in emergency. the ones i got were:
1- light blue [kinda tight, myt thighs look huge in them but w.e they looked nice]
2- denim dark blue [these were nice, they were also tight but they looked good]
3- dark brown [these i liked becuase they were dark and they looked nice, and they were also tight]
4- black zipper/straped pant [i love these, ther beautiful]
5- a black soft pants with blue outlines [this one is so soft and comfortable, probly for day i dont feel good]
i would have gotten more BUT, my shirts are green and so pink, red and yellow dont match and those were the other colors.
6- sort of brown/blue with zippers [ i like these because i was tired and so they looked nice and they were also tight.]
i also got my bookbag here. its a DC, and its cool but it has these pockets on the sides that i dont like, but w.e ill find a use for them.
i hate those pockets. oh well
plz comment

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are you a spur of the moment trip kind of person?