Well i have finally tidied my room, spent 4 hours on it yesterday, i even moved my shelves and skrewed them to the wall so they werent wobble and made myself a hanging rail in my cupboard. my mom was intruiged when she saw me going upstairs wi a saw, sandpaper, hammer, drill, skrewdriver, nails and skrews lol.
my room is still not entriely tidy but u can see 90% of the floor which is amazing compared to the .5% u could see before (i didnt actually measure i'm just guestimating in the words of mr wink.
wanna see what i have been doing? yep im a loser but its fun...

in a perfect world eh?
man im so irritated wi Lou, we planned ages ago that he was coming to see me today b4 he went to the proclaimers n yesterday he told me he wasnt coming anymore cos his friends are going for a meal first and he is gonna go wi them!!!! ARGH! he always tells me they are not really true friends and balh blah "ur the only one i trust and talk to u mean more to me than anyone in the world" but noooooooo just DITCH me for them!!! GRRRRRR i told him he better make it up to me else he will suffer in a way only i can make him. heh heh heh. mean, me? noway!
Ugh i feel ill i had a massive burger for dinner. im really gonna have to stop eating so much junk!
oooh my father has my passport so it looks like i am actually gonna get to SA after all :D well i dont know i was not really that dissapointed when i didnt think i was goping and a little bit when i found out i was. mainly cos if i didnt go i would have been able to go the the live8 or whatever its called in 'burgh wi Lou if i didnt go and go camping in elgin wi Lo and Stu n all that too. oh well i cant wait to see Jean and the rest of them. hmmm i wonder if i have any pics since im in the piccy kinda mood...aww no id dont, i have a pic of me and Lo tho. heh heh i sent that pic to jean so he could see how i look in ym glasses only...they are lauras. im so dumb

oooh yaye i get to be the graphics "man" for the yearbook :D that means iget to decide how it looks basicaly. well sort of, the editor gets the final say im guessing so that will be either Jo or Al. Jo said she didnt want to be it so im guessing u just put ur name down so AL didnt get it? good plan good plan! i dont fancy answering to him for the rest of the year! anyway should be fun :D
ok i feel so ill i think i need a cuppa.
buh bye