Listening to: Hot Sauce to Go - Jadakiss feat Phwoarell
Feeling: moodless
Current Mood: Irritated
For a change i guess i will let you guys have the full effect of my ramblings, its been a while, i was sort of won over by livejournal and i got an msn space Its not very interesting so that’s why i havent been updating very much, i havent really been updating anywhere at all, not even my "paper diary" but maybe that’s cos well actually i dont know why.
ok so about my moods
Well i broke up with Louis a while ago cos i felt like he wasn’t treating me like i know i deserve to be treated, or at least how i have been treated in the past y'no, he protests and says I’m so important to him he will do anything for me whatever but the fact remains that he didn’t so i broke up with him, after like 3 months of saying he would email me and not ever getting around to it i received one less than 3 hours after i broke up with him, and i received about 6 in the 2 days we weren’t together, so i thought well maybe he has come to his senses or whatever, and truthfully i couldn’t live(well maybe that’s an overstatement) without him so we got back together, he resolved to be more attentive and all that and even after countless reminders i havent had an email since those 6 in 2 days. the last time he wrote me a note was over 3 months ago, he always says he is gonna but it just never materialises. i know that notes and all that aren’t exactly an important part of a relationship BUT its the effort that I’m looking for, just to show he actually can be bothered doing something for me you know, not cos he wants to but because he knows i want him to, give and take and all that, i mean i sacrifice so much for him i really do. anyway i will save that for later...
Well that one is not so serious just cos i feel like going for a walk/run but I’m too lazy cos its cold and snowy and dark outside, i really wish there was a gym or something nearby, or i had a treadmill or something, running is quite satisfying.
"if you're bored you're boring" - Mother
well that’s pretty self explanatory, i guess I’m just boring then, i blame it on the bloody coldness there are a load of things i could do if it wasn’t so crappy, actually that’s a lie, i blame it on the council cos all they give a shit about is the bloody football pitches and skanky chav neds!
"when God said bring forth grass he did NOT mean football pitches"
heh heh, anyway this time last year (was it last year?) no, the year before there was a mini skate park thingy here with a floodlight and we used to go there every night and skate and it was sooo fun :) :) but the stupid town planners decided it needed to be bulldosed for a new tescos or a bypass or something i dont know, all i know is that at the moment there is sweet F.A there, we could still be skating damnit!!!!!
They also decided to build a public swimming pool, woo hoo we all thought, on more swimming at the hotel paying a fortune (a fiver) when the thing if finally built we discover it is SHITTER (more shit?)than the hotel pool and it cost 3 quid more, nice.
they complain about vagrant children graffitiing and causing general mischief on the streets but WHAT THE FUCK ELSE do they expect us to do!? ooh im getting worked up now, i shall move on...
well not entirely, i was just groovy cos of Jadakiss and Phwaorell singing a coolcool tune so i was grooving in my seat, now im listening to HIM - Sweet Pandemonium so im feeling more... wave a lighter back and forth slowly while swaying. heh heh thats sounds funneh, now im listening to RHCP - Venice Queen, thats a street walking on your own in the dark while its sortofraining but morelikemist-ing. dunno thats just the feeling i get...anyway onto y last mood which is sort of the result of mood number 1
Well this one is cos well he is a guy i have to give him a bit of slack cos of that dont i? he isnt that bad, i mean he did txt me this morning saying "hey just thinking of u so hey" which is pretty sweet, he MADE me a Valentines card which is sweet too, and i got a single long-stemmed red rose, not the most original but still sweet and well i guess it comes down to the whole him being a guy thing, i cant really expect him to think of more than one thing at once can i? and if i wanted him to think of e all the time he would be skrewed cos he woulnt be able to eat or wash (urgh) or wait...he woudnt even be able to email me (not that he does anyway) cos he wouldn’t be too busy using all his effort thinking of me.
man im so demanding but damn i think i deserve it!there arent many eligible guys in this place but im pretty sure if i wasnt wi Louis i wouldnt have too much trouble finding another guy,that sounds so big headed but im just being honest, i dont think im that amazing but well its not that difficult to make a guy like you, they think with those funny dangly things, not too difficult to manipulate im sure you agree, thing is he is the only one i want
so maybe i should ust lean to love the uselessness as much as i love the rest.
In other news, i failed my maths paper 2, that means the aforementioned A is brought down to a C damnit, wait did i tell ya'll i got an A for paper 1? well if didnt it doesnt really matter anyway cos its a C now, humph, guess i should have revised but i hate it!
Got a B for Chemistry and Biology so thats not too bad, still waiting for english and modern studies results.
umm wht else, oh has anyone in the Uk been watching brat camp? reality TV sux but damn the dude on there is ~FINE~ loook at him! he dont look sooo amazing in them but woo he is v nice :)
i think its the whole pierced lip thing that des it 4 me :D im allowed to look aint i? anyway his attitude sux!
heh heh im having fun wi my cheats guide to basic html lol, prob getting it all wrong anyway!
mmmkay i think i have probably lost all of your attention by now, if thats the case i guess u wont be reading this but i dunno maybe u started at the bottom in which case good luck to you.
if you have made it this far it would be a waste of your time to not leave a comment :o) even if you dont have anything to say, leave a blank one with you name at the bottom, the at least it will look like im loved :D

We love you don't worry! x