…heh heh heh i woke up today in a good mood, infact, despite being EXTREMELY BORED all day, im still in a good mood :)
Yest was cool spent the entire day in Kingussie wi Lou, avent done that in a while cos of school, work etc but it was really cool as i said b4. We mostly just hung out listening to music, i found his old CD's which he never listens to...slipknot, papa roach etc - i was shocked but yeah was good cos that means when i cant be bummed wi rap there is a backup plan.
We umm.... made cheese toasties, didnt walk the dog, well he did i stayed at his house all alone and didnt snoop around how weird for my nosey self. umm what else watchied american pie3 and ummm yeah think thats all noteworthy, or postable ;) lol jk im a good girl!!! 0:o)
i said something i shouldnt have but i think (i hope) its all good now, seems like it anyway :D
hmm i've been lazing around all day being quite bored.
bored bored bread. Bread!?? lol i like it :)
ooh a cool word i saw on somones diary..cant remember whos if it u comment... chillaxing :)
comment peoples cos i feel unloved
actually come to think of it i do feel unloved, im not impatient or anything but Lou aint txt back grrrr
well actually i feel really loved just not RIGHT now.
blah blah blah.
i think i used to have alot more interesting to say but i duno what happened, maybe i got a life n im too busy to type ort mayeb my life has become les blogable i dunno :s
yaye i feel loved now :) i got a txt.
pathetic aint i?
ugh think im gonna be sick! (don't ask!!!!)
mm chocolate
my boyfriend thinks im insane...at least he knows the truth now lol
im in a crazy mood, i dont thikn ihave been this enthusiastic about life in a while, i guess all ineeded was a break from the drudge and bore and bitchyness of school
oooh wowness i LOVE u eli!!!! :D the offspring are the coolestio!
yaye i have my very own emo kid :)

Adopt Your Own Emo Kid!