I Love Study Leave!!!!!
At this very moment almost all my friends are at school, the only ones who are off are James and Lawrence, this poses a problem as my dad only said one thing to me before he left for work this morning.... "No BOYS!!!!" now wtf am i supposed to do if my only friends within a 10mile radius are boys?????
Just sit around and revise???i think not.
Luckily i have an understanding mom who said "as long as they're gone before we get home its ok"
She Rocks! She also said that when we go shopping for my birthday we can do some of the things i mentioned in my previous post, she actually suggested it!
I really like my top left pic, if its yours or if you know whose it is please tell me cos i would at least like to give whoever did it credit for their coolness.
Pink Floyd are soo cool! My dad was v surprised when i said i liked them.
Oh crap i just remembered that im supposed to be writing this all in Word incase it dies on me again, i guess i could just C+P it when im done to keep it safe.
There is a really cool song on now, Am I Here Yet by Billie Myers, not my type of music but cool lyrics...
I'm so proud, I can do links
Anyway u probably just skipped over that if ur actually reading this(i would have)but it is good.
I have an English exam tomorow its very scary cos i cant do it, well thas a lie i can but i hate it, luckily i work better under pressure.
I heard Lostprophets on the radio the otherday, i had forgotten how good they are so i put on their album yesterday, they really do rock.
For all u people from the US who probably havent heard of them..o just got sooo sidetracked and spent 30mins looking at pixies diary [htmlandgraphix] she rocks!!!!!!! Anyway yeah lostprophets…
Lostprophets Website

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
ok I'm totally getting sidetraked and I can tell I'm gonna do something stupid like close Word in a minute so I'm just gonna post this pointless post, the wonders of a bored teenage mind never cease to amaze