for the record i didn’t leave Jo’s to go to another party. We got a phone call that the train was early so we had to "run" to the train station. Luckily it wasn't early it was late so we got on the train then Alex, this dude who is v into Lauz said we should come to amber’s party so we shouted at the train mannie and asked him to let us out (heh heh i dont think the train companies like me v much)then went to amber’s.
it wasn’t an amazing party but oh well.
Yest me and Lauz went shopping for Christmas dance dresses, i tried on about 14 dresses it was kinda fun, makes a change considering my usual uniform is baggy jeans and a hoodie - "v feminine" anyway so even tho i was determined not to get a black dress guess what i did? Yup i got a black dress, at least its long tho so no thigh displays like last time...the shame! I actually quite like my dress tho there are some floaty frilly bits which I’m not to keen on, may end up cutting them off i dont know. they are ok, they suit the dress. it falls nicely too so hopefully it will not accentuate the big butt and tiny boobs and maybe balance them out a bit (ha ha miracles can happen y'no!)
i have already seen the "dress" i want for next year, its kinda gothy but oh well i like it :D
oh and its not black!
dont know if i will have the guts to wear it tho...this top

and this skirt...

I’m so cold!
My feet are frozen! and i have 2 pairs of socks on! Think I’m gonna go have hat bath then i will have to do my modern studies homowork damn 1000 word report :'( ha ha "homo"work - homework is GAY!!!! i love not being able to type, ya get so many cool new words. Bastea lol ♥ woo hoo thanx siamesegun :D
1. first you type : & hearts ;
2. but instead of spacing, don't!
3. THEN you get this = ♥