Listening to: Promise- Eve 6
Ok, rant of the day: Why doesn't this site ever work when I want it to?! GAH! You know what I really hate most in the world? When you run out of Gawd dam tapons! That is the worst thing in the world 'cause after that you've got this pad between your legs and you feel like you're two years old and all you wanna do is eat cookies and drink milk and maybe draw (well, maybe that's just me) And french this! No one is going to be around this weekend and no one loves me enough to call anyway. I'm supposed to call Roo in Ohio. Heh heh. Yeah, I'm drawing right now and it's probably pretty bad but ehhh...
I luv Cella because she signed my yearbook and went to write "Strawberry Gashes" but she forgot how to draw a strawberry, then Sunshine wrote B.C. in little letters and I almost killed him. We'll just say it stands for birth control. Ah hah. As if! Yeah, I have voice lessons in a half hour and I really don't feel like going. I should have taken a nap. I should take a nap tonight instead of going to the band jam with Brenda tonight. Aw well. Might as well be social for once. Well, I am but... You know. *shrugs* Yeah, and to those of you you are on vaca, turn your cars around now and frenching take me with you!!!
Your lord and savior, Dani

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