Listening to: Punk Rock Princess- Something Corporate
Feeling: bubbly
This song just makes me wanna bop around! Hehe, it's such a foil to Konstantine. Yeah, that's not going to make sense to anyone but maybe me, Kat, and Sarah, since those are the only people I know of who know the songs.
Hmmm. I just got home from school about an hour ago. Alex helped me start of my journal during science today. Thankyou doll! I'm quite proud of the work I've done on it. I figured out how to change a couple things. Yeah, I'm a dork. -shrugs-
Well, this is going to be a pretty boring weekend. No one's going to be around. Fluffy might spend the night tonight if she ever gets back to me. Tomorrow I've got to stop by the mall. I'm am broke however, so that's the extent of it. I'm saving up for my raver pants anyway. -nudgies- Anyone want to donate to the "Buy Danielle pretty pants" fund?
<-- That's them. I'm in love. <33 If I can't save up the money I may try to make them myself. I'm going to start taking sewing classes Monday nights I believe. Now that drama club is over until September I have some time... Atleast until TCO's The Secret Garden rehearsals start up.
On another more serious note, I have to say something against the two guys in my social studies class who think it's humorous to make fun of and not vote for someone in student council elections because of their sexuality. What kind of bull shit is that? I seriously gave the one a look and told him how prejudice he was. Even if he was just joking, that's distastefull to say. It's funny really. I don't give a crap about elections or most people at my school but, the principal is the same as something occuring in politics today: Prejudice against homosexuals. I'm part of a minority it seems who prefers to accept people as they are. I suppose I will write a formal entry on this at a later date, but for now, head my warning, that pissed me off.
Well, I guess I'm gonna bounce now. I have nothing more to say and I want to get back to my IM coversations and a couple phone calls. I should probably call Andrew now that I think of it. I can't believe he said what he did last night. Yeah, trying not to think of it though under the circumstances. Anyway, seriously, I'm going now. Groses bises, mes amours!
