Listening to: Kennedy- Kill Hannah
Feeling: artistic
Hey loosers, Yeah. I skipped a day, I know cause my journal was being poopy. Man, I've gotten absolutly nothing accomplished this evening! Thanks Kat! (haha, no worries.) Well actually, I did finish the work on my shoes. I'm going to wear the hotness tomorrow. Heh heh. They're the usual techicolored splendor. Brenda says people are going to think I'm rocking the rainbow pride union. Aw well. They can keep thinking it and I'll continue wearing my shizzle. Hmmm... I made my mom a poster for her church group too, though I kept messing it up. Let's see, my huge still life watercolor from art is going to get framed. My parents are obsessed. It's not -that- great. Heh. I didn't do much in art today. I got Boy George onto the good watercolor paper and Brandon wanted me to sit next to him so, it was sweet. That's such a funneriffic class. I'm gonna miss Maddy so much when she graduates this year!! And of course, I made fun of Sunshine some more which is always comical. Up to about sixth period I was awake. After that, I kept actually falling asleep during my classes; science, french, -and- social studies. Mr. Whoriskey yelled at me!! Yeah, I was tired today. I got all this free time though that maybe I should have been working on my labs but I listened to my new disk man (I love my mommy now!!) and read Blood And Gold. I'm already captivated. I -love- Thorne and Marius! ...Not that anyone understands that but... I'm going to rent Queen Of The Damned, and The Underworld this weekend so I can finally watch them. So whether I watch them alone with a personal carton of icecream or if I can convince someone to come over, it will get accomplished... As well as the Nightmare Before Christmas shirt and the Boy George shirts I keep planning on making. Aye. I need fun stuff to wear my spiffy shoes with. Yep yep. So in short, I guess today was decent. I don't feel like doing much but writing and art projects though... As usual! Au revoir, les ecargots! 

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