Fuggity fuggity fuggin hello! Yeah, I'm actually semi-awake today and... I was emo! It was hot. Roo loved me and I didn't even fall asleep in class today, only almost! Boy George looks so sexay in water colors. Sunshine said it looked exactly like him. Yum. That's the effect I was hoping for. My labs still aren't in in science. Yipee skippy for me but I may actually be passing if I do get them in. Do I hear slacking off in conceptual physics next year? Heck yes! Hmmm and everyone loves my shoes. I figure since I'd talked about them so much I should take a picture.

Yes! I shall have a love affair with the Brand New lyrics written across them. =^.^= And of course, today the hallway was the most crowded it's been all year because they gave out our yearbooks. Everyone was in a state of chaos. Tomorrow it's gonna be all "Sign my yearbook, sign my yearbook! I barely know you but I think we had math together two years ago, but sign my fuggin year book anyway!" That's how hawt our school is. Can't say I don't take the hypocrite's path sometimes though. I bought a YB and was amazed to find me, Roo, and Fluff have this huge picture of ourselves on the front page of the sophomore class. It is an utterly embarassing candid if I do say so myself, but people brightened my day. 5th period, Quote of the day: "Ello? Jang Min? This is Lulu!" I was in a fit of histerics. Hah. People are morons and then lazy-eye wore baby pink jeans, t-shirt, and that horrible bandana. Oh! And pink flip flops. I laughed. I dislike her because it's hard for me to like people who make me feel like I was NOTHING. Yeah, enough of my crazed rants... and Kat? I LUFF YE TOO!! Antony and Ziah are the hawter then an Anne Rice novel!

Luv always, Dani Beth