Listening to: The Infatuation- Juliana Theory
Feeling: abandoned
Hmmm... I'm terribly bored right now. I know this is my second entry of the day. I know, I know. Being a nerd is no fun when your favorite clan of online stooges is missing. No Treiman, Al, Kat, Chicken, Fluff, Roo, Sunshine, Cella = No amusement for Danielle tonight. Sometimes IMing random people is fun but, I just feel like getting a load of my chest right now and there's no one to load it onto. I heart Juliana Theory. Have I mentioned that? Curse being broke! I never did get around to calling Andrew did I? If you're reading this, sorry dear. However, me and my Chicken did catch up via telephone, then she left me for Carvel. I'll be on Long Island soon enough. Gawd, I can't wait to run far away from this place
Other notes? I'm so infatuated. We talked again today. I sat next to -him-. Then again, I do that everyday don't I? We're friends. I always seem to forget the fact that all of a sudden we've got this really cool friendship. I hate the quick awkward tensions whenever I catch him looking at me or vice versa. Meh. I don't want to talk about it right now. It's this silly school girl crush and I can't seem to make it go away. I suppose everyone starts from square one again sometime. It's like I've never kissed a boy or gone farther then naive stares across a classroom. It's funny how strange it is to try to forget freshman and the beggining of this year...

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