Listening to: AC/DC: You shook me all night long
Feeling: depressed
Wellz....Wow....long time no type. Has been a depressing few days.... I watched my guinea pig Butterscotch die a long painful dead this morning.....I felt so sorry for him...I cuddled him all night and listened to him cry.....made me cry.... He finally passed on at 1pm today RIP Butterscotch...... Miss you *cries* Li Dao will take care of him for me till I can get up there....I miss her too.....
Xmas wasn't to bad....I got a 5 gig mp3 player so that made me happy....and OMFG...I cant believe my mom remebered....for the past 3yrs ever since Meijers started selling Harley Davidson Boots I've wanted a pair....they are sooo fuckin expensive and since i was so difficult to buy for this yr my mom bought me a pair....made my day....I been livin in my pjs I got...I got the cutest pair of panties! They say Libra all long the top and it has a rhinestone libra sign on the side....its so cute.... got a bunch of other junk but yeah...thats what i liked best.....
it's been a interesting day.... My buddy was screwin with me this morning and made me feel better......Mah Aussie Snuff porn Actor...you kno who you are!!!! LOL.....
I am gonna corrupt Ryan lol...... He reminds me of Allan tho which makes it all the more interesting.....Lemme explain.....Like when Ryan and me were talking about Suicide the one day....He's like..I never let my friends fall and I won't let you fall either. I'm like WHOAH.....Allan has said that....in Certain areas they're alike....ryan is a pyro as well.....But his parents are too fuckin strict....man just wait till they meet me...it will be great
Dude our Air Hockey Table...My dad likes it more then us......It's been waxed so much....the phuck floats across one side to the other by itsself! lol....Dude my fuckin sis got a computer in her room with a DVD drive....Gawd that pissed me off.....She's fuckin 7!!!!!!! And she got a Gameboy! Plus a shitload of other stuff....Fuckin little cock suckin whore....grrrrrr
I'm gonna make a new journal....This one is where I express whatever I feel and I dont give a fuck who reads the stuff here....lol.....Anyways.....I'm listening to sum music...I gotta DL some Sentenced....They're Lyrics kick ass.....
Anyways TTYL
Biker Bytch

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