Listening to: Teenage suicide-Unwritten Law
Feeling: depressed
Still here....dont kno why am so suicidal....It's almost as bad as the day i got raped...Fightin it every step of the way though. Hopin it'll go away. I hate sittin in class thinkin of ways to commit suicide.
Dude I ran into the fuckin vaccuum this morning....it hurt....
Mom still hasn't noticed Suzybelle or Little Nicky.....When she does....she'll be goin nuts.....
dont wanna go to skool....Gah I hope this depression goes away.....I keep thinkin' about Nick so it's not so bad but liek....I dunno its just such a pull towards suicide....I fuckin hate depression....
well I have to find my socks and put on some make up......its a doggy day....hoodie and jeans cuz it's fuckin cold outside....

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