Listening to: Final Cut-Pink Floyd
Feeling: depressed
Skool sucked.....I am sooo tired right now.....was amusin. My Algebra teacher came up to me in class and asked how was the basement...and he's like yeah i talked to ur dad....I was like uh yeah I was on the phone....lol....He's like i thought you were quiet and conservative...I think Josh was gonna die from tryin not the laugh.
Yeah then like Molly got AEP aka Inskool suspension for ditchin again #3....3 more and they kick her out of skool....That will be the fuckin greatest day of my life....
Oh Sara my ex-best friend. when we were good friends we used to talk about runnin away to London (She has an obsession with the british) or goin to Alaska or Hollywood. Ya kno the usual Teen stuff......Well her and Katy like write notes to each other durin skool about runnin away n stuff, And Sara's mom found'em and flipped so like now she's movin to her dad's place in Lockport. Which kinda sucks because like I'm not allowed at her dad's.......He's ummmmm creepy shall I say. She's already threatening to kill herself. Oddly enough none of this reallii effects me at all. I'm such a loner I don't talk to anyone from HMS.
I learned a valueable lesson last night..Never use NyQuil....Extra Strength tylenol OD and Vodka as a suicide attempt or Experiment....You will be sick as Fuck! Throwing up blood again. Probably why have no energy dont think my system has replenished blood cells from few days ago when I finally stopped throwin up blood from the last od. So yeah this sucks ass....It's like watery thickish blood, Nasty. Think gonna take some more NyQuil and pass out for a bit....I still haven't made my decision yet....

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