Listening to: Suicidal Failure-Suicidal Tendencies
Feeling: depressed
I have discovered I am Flammable....
My parents let me out for the night so Like I hung with Sara, Kim, Nick, Scott, Dena, Brittany and her friend. And Like yeah....We had Cigs..... I lit My hair on fire....And like I am still stoned from the Blueberry weed.... I didnt even care it was lol....I'm reallii depressed because they were all talkin about their first times with sex....and liek....I have problems talkin about mine for certain reasons....
Oh Nick...you have a fan club.....Sara and Dena think you are like a God....LOL.......
anyways I'm tired, depressed, .....Gonna get reaquainted with my bed.....Nick gets his cam tomorrow! I can't wait....

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