Listening to: Wild one- Faith Hill
Feeling: euphoric
Had a long talk with Nick.......Luv him to death......Mah sexxxxiiiii Britt *Kissies*
Man where is everyone? Everyone is either grounded or not home... I NEED HUMAN CONTACT!!!!! GAH.....I'd even settle for goin to the Movies with mike. Bored out of my fuckin mind. Laid down for awhile and like now grrrr....
OMFG yeah i have to share this.......I saw a pic of a skinned penis and like I told my lunch table yesterday. Melissa didn't believe me so I'm like fine I'll bring a pic in. So I printed it out this morning and showed everyone at lunch. Was fuckin great. they all freaked. Amy was like you have too much fuckin free time...lol....and Melissa couldn't stop lookin at it! lol... Erica and Angel were like...How does that dude have sex.....heh yeah i'm weird. I showed Kristen durin bio and she's like you are twisted....heh....
Well gonna read my book on the Soda Pop slasher since no one wants to hang out

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