All my life I've always wanted to be pretty.
I've never gotten the attention from boys I wanted
Or from the right boys
It's not like I'm sitting here asking to look like Kiera Knightly
I don't have to be star quality pretty
but I'd really like my face to have an elagence to it
or have my hair have a little more volume
or get rid of those damn bags under my eyes
I am 5'7" and pretty thin.
I think I'm going to go on America's Next Top Model when I'm 18.
I don't even want to be a model
but I want to prove to other people that I might have something pretty about me
but here I am
five seven
which is like crazyshort for a model, actually
I don't like my tummy.
I don't fit in a small sports bra anymore
you'd think that would make me happy
My boobs are getting bigger. ha.
I hate that I don't fit into the same sports bra anymore
because I can't wear a medium
I don't care what it is
I can't wear a medium
I can't
I went to AE the other day
and I tried on a small tube top
and it didn't fit
It made me look...fat.
too tight
and it killed me
and the girls on ANTM all have these tiny bodies and these thinny thin arms
and I don't feel like I could compete with that
And they always talk about how a model's skin is like a blank canvas
and I have huge bags
and I have zits
and I have scars
and I don't have poise or grace
So there.
I'm too short
I'm too fat
and my skin sucks.
I want to be pretty
I want to go onto that show and win
so I can feel pretty.
I don't like feeling like this.
so I just want to feel pretty
I do
I don't want to look like Fergie
I just want to look pretty
"tragically beautiful"
I've never truly felt beautiful
and I'm ready to
Maybe there's more to people than how they look.
I want to believe that.
But I don't think it matters.

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