Just A mistake I took with my new camera. but I thought it looked hardass.
gift inventory. once againnnn.
1. a freakin' digital camera for my trip to Europe!!
2. the most amazing pair of brown suede boots. I can't describe them. knee high, super soft, 4 inch heels, oh so warm...
3. A really cute thermal from Pacsun with red and white motorcycles all over it.
4. the Hawthorne Heights CD "the silence in black and white" (how emo am I?)
5. My own suitcase, from my aunts, for my trip this summer :) (Europe is the shit. WITHOUT my parents!)
6. Freinds DVD-season 5
7. a new boombox, since my old one died :(
8. Vera Wang Princess perfume
9. A cute pink shirt with an umbrella done on it in patchwork, like a floral handal, with the umbrella part black and white polka dot with green. and then lightning bolts. major cute, guys.
10. a new pair of headphones. yay.
11. Meet The Fockers on DVD
12. A Marylin Monroe T-Shirt
13. A t-shirt with the famous picture from Breakfast at Tiffany's. you know the one with Audrey Hepburn (I think) with her hair up in the bun with the long cigar holder?
14. A really cute pair of earings that are hoops with red and green plaid fabric over them.
15. Black leggings, capri length, lace trimmed
16. A new black studded belt. It's HUGE. like, really, it's so much metal it's like a pound. It was actually in the men's department at Pacsun. the women's belt was too tiny, it had like no metal on it.
17. a black and white checkered belt!! Checkers=loveee. since I don't have enough checkered items =]
And so, to come to a close, I end you with a famous quote: