Listening to: \"At Least I Know I\'m a Sinner\" Atreyu
Feeling: helpless
The band is Powerspace; the song is "I Met my best friend in Prague"
A few lines strike me:
You think that moving on means getting passed around, but every move you make just takes you further down
I'm not a helping hand I'm a rope to pull you through
Let me see those eyes--They'd be the same brown eyes!
I promise you wouldn't be so lonely if only you let me in.
I hate this.
I hate you so much.
I'm not yours, you made that clear
so I shouldn't be yours to hurt, either.
I feel like I've "gotten over you" in the traditional sense (boy is that ironic...considering every time I hear the words "over it" I think of the time we made out on your bed with Over It playing in the background.)
But I just hate that I can't stop thinking about you.
I hate that you show up at every concert/show that I go to.
I hate that every song reminds me of you.
I hate that you talked to me about so many bands and had so many band posters in your room,
cause I can't think of them without thinking of you.
I'm so mad at myself my still thinking about you,
which in turn just makes me angrier about letting you close to my heart in the first place.
It was weird being at school today.
I talked to Trevor, who I went to the show with where Flynn asked me out.
I hadn't talked to him since the very beginning of summer...
I had to deal with that "oh. yeah. so...remember that guy I was dating? we broke up..."
He said "I heard...about that Myspace thing..."
Seeing as this was NOT on facebook, and how Flynn goes to Cardinal Gibbons, I had no idea how Trevor found out, especially about the details. so I asked him.
He said he heard it from Lizzie.
I sat there..."how much did I tell Lizzie?"
I thought I told her nothing, I believe all I told her was that a guy cheated on me this summer and I saw him at the Powerspace show the next day.
I don't know.
It's just weird.
I wonder how much most people know.
It was just a summer romance with a boy that very few people at RCHS know.
So, if anyone actually reads this, their probably wondering what this has to do with that Powerspace song [consider the irony, of course, that when I went to the SKSK show in April where I first heard of Powerspace, Flynn Norris, the boy who cheated on me and all this is about, was there I just didn't talk to him...]
I promise you wouldn't be so lonely if only you let me in.
haha. funny. Because the thing that I've been beating myself up on worse than any other thing is that I let him close to my heart when he trashed it.
I talked to Marina and told her what happened with Flynn. She has been cheated on before. She says that every boy that I date from now on, for a while anyway, I'll think is cheating on me.
I hope not.
I just don't know.
You have to let someone in to have a healthy relationship...but how can I let anyone in after this? I let him near my heart and he treated it like a piece of trash.
you think that moving on means getting passed around
Not sure why this one strikes me so much.
But I mean, I guess it's because that's how he chose to end it. moving on.
I don't know.
I'm afraid to be passed around.
Are you proud of yourself?
Do you measure yourself by how many girls you can kiss?
Cause fuck that, for the record.
Every move you make takes you further down.
let me see those eyes: They'd be the same brown eyes
This one...
I feel like it's me almost.
I have brown eyes...
I'm afraid to show them
I'm still so hurt
I feel like what's happened has changed me, and I hate myself for it
I can't control what other people do to me
I can control how I take it, though
So the next time someone asks to see my brown eyes, that's all I want: someone to tell me that no matter what mistakes I make, they'll be the same brown eyes
I'm not a helping hand, I'm a rope to pull you through
It's not as if this hurt is all I think about.
But it's more that too many things I still associate with him... I wish I could go a day without thinking about him is really the depth of it.
But it's not as if I want him. AT ALL. I do NOT.
And there's someone who has been that rope for me. It's amazing how there can be someone who helps you through when you're at your worst and still wants to be near you, at all.
There's been someone who's been that rope for me. He's pulled me through.
The boy in the song still wants to see the girl's eyes.
I have to wonder if my rope still wants to see my brown eyes...and even though he saw me crying over a boy who broke my heart, if he still sees them as the same brown eyes...
This situation sucked. But I realized who my rope is. and who's there for me, and who's not...
[look up the song...it makes more sense...]
and I'm sorry.
but it just has to be said.
I'm far too attractive for him.
this is the best picture of him I have:
Now imagine that in pants for females
and with black nailpolish, cause he's OMGZ SO FUCKIN HARDCORE

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