Erin swinging, she too had to deal with swinging in a skirt. It was difficult.

Charlie, doing his thang. I thought this was a good picture!

Nick on the Greco couch. I took this for a freind, I just felt like posting it.

Daniel Greco. You can't see it in this picture, but he has sexy triceps ♥ lol

This is what you get, Milners, for wearing goth pants


Yura on Ethan's lap, swinging.

Expandable Adaptation, doing "rock and roll high school" By the Ramones

I'm actually IN this one...

Ethan hugging Yura and Katie

Noooooo idea what's going on in this one...Jonah sure is close to, jk
Love y'all
Graduation was sad, bittersweet, and happy
I'ma miss you uber-much
You know who you are
You're so special to me
I'll never forget you.
Shady ♥
Thats realllly awesome. So you live on Langtree lane then? Neat.
i picked the sugar for paul 'cause it's biggest. even though that's sorta mean... i did appearance. :-P lol
thanx for the comment!!
and u r like the 2 person to say that I would be carmen and it is a good book well ttul
nice pictures hahaah
miss you guys
this is marie. I love the pics. Too bad I wasn't there. I wish I could have.I miss u and everybody else SOOOOOO much!!!
-Don't forget me in high school, okay?