Listening to: "The Changeling" by The Doors
Feeling: connected
I like Sitdiary even though I rarely update.
even though no one from Sterling still reads it,
I'm glad I have it
I like to think it was artsy. the christmas tree. yay.
I want something.
Is it wrong to want it?
I mean
It's human to want.
I don't know
I wrote a really long private entry last night.
It showed up on the front page of SD for a while
A few minutes later I checked the front
and there was another private entry right above mine
I didn't realize it was private at the time
so I apologize to the author
but this person posted some specifics of their problem
and it made me feel so not alone.
becuase this person was going through the exact same thing as I was.
like no differences
and I felt so awesome
It made me realize why I write in this thing
I write to know I'm not alone
and truly
I'm not alone
It made me feel wonderful
there's not a single problem in the entire world
that someone else isn't going through
saying no one understands me
isn't true
someone does understand you
no matter what is going on in your life
you may not know them
but someone understands
the person who understands me just happens to have a sitdiary
so thank you Scott
who seems to be disappointed in the fact that not many people get on anymore
this still means a lot to me.

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