Darkness! Darkness is the mysterious and depressed
element. You are very quiet in crowds thus
becoming the outcast. One tradmark nobody can
ignore is how you hardly care about anything or
deeply care even though you don't show it. You
always just want to be alone to let go of your
feelings through some form of writing/listening
to music/drawing. You like to wear dark colors
and nobody has a problem with that, they just
don't think it's necessary, but hey they don't
understand anyway. The reason you are this way
is that you were probably affected by something
in your past. Whether it be a divorce, being
ignored, horrible childhood, whatever. You are
a strong person, believe it. I know what you're
going through. A song to check out: Nobody's
Listening by Linkin Parkbackground="http://www.boomspeed.com/sfhelpers/backgrounds/07.gif">
Which element are you most suited with? GIRLS ONLY! [gorgeous anime pics] UPDATED!
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You feel longing. I sit here and wait for you...
Hopeless romantic is probably your middle name.
You feel an empty void inside of yourself...
You want to find the person/thing that would
fill it up, but you search to no avail. Your
heart is in desperate need of something/one
that would sweep you off your feet and make
your dreams come true. You were probably always
the one who dreamed of being in a fairytale
when you were younger, but now your fairytale
has become a reality in your mind. You are
stuck in a dream world that tears you away from
everyday life. Perhaps you never got to live
the life everyone else had? Element: Earth Color: Blue Quote: In my world there would be no bad things,
just me and my obsession. Alone, together
forever. Expression: Far off, glazed stare. With your head
resting on your hand/s. Symbol: A paint brush/outstretched hand/northern
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla ^ I like that result right up there!
Your power is: The ability to fly
Explanation: This powers speaks pretty
much for itself. Though you don't need wings
for this power,you can fly anyway. Some people
may consider it as telekinesis since they can
also fly, but you can't make material things
move like they can. This ability could be a
relaxing activity when you want to get away
from everyday troubles. Also it is good when
sneaking upon an enemy since it makes no sound.
When going over to the "dark side"
the power could be used to harrass and break
into building through windows etc.
You are quite similar to this power since you
like to have your head in the clouds.
Supernatural things amuse while ordinary life
does not. If your daydreaming has gotten a
little too far you might be zooned out all the
time, even when you are having a conversation.
Your desires and/or goals tend to be
unrealistic even if you know those would
probably never happen. Travelling is something
you would be interested in doing since seeing
exotic scenery fits with your fantasies of
escaping your plain life. You can also have
some creative ability (writer, playing an
instrumen etc) that interests you.
Negative aspects: The whole reason you
may be escaping life could be fear of being let
down by it. So if that would come to happen,
and an important dream had been crushed you
could get depressed.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
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The Countess You are the one who masquerades to stalk her prey.
You lead somewhat of a double life, dancing
between the human world and the vampire world.
On the surface you are elegant, cultured, and
the very picture of charm. But beneath your
refined exterior lurk thoughts so dark that
they would chill the bones. What's so scary about you: You catch everyone
off-guard, you are the sneak attack that no one
ever expects. Your gemstone: Amethyst Your moon: Dark Moon (November)
Which Beautiful Vampiress are You? (For Girls! - Gothic Anime Pics!)
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u love him more than u can say its love!!!
are u in love?
brought to you by Quizilla I added most of my friends back. i am still going to be writing private entries, but i feel that it is important that i can read others diaries...because i am feeling a little alone and left behind.