went on yet another icon-ish-ness trip ^-^ weee look at pretty johnny and Joe

I am still going to be taking requests ^-^ anyone can ask for one.
I got my first gift today, 50 bucks at chapters! w00t! more books for me! I think i am going to buy more books on the war. I want to find everything I can about WWII. It really is my favorite war, not that i am aproving anywar, but I like learning about this one.
But ya other than that I think I might get the reast of the Anne Rice books and some more poetry. I love Poetry. Does anyone write any? I would love to read it ^-^
Well 5 days in counting now! I think Monkey is coming to the dinner! i am so excited, and Thomas made me feel better with his comment.
It is funny to most people i come off as this strong willed girl, but really i am weak and fragile. But don't worry I could still kick all of you asses XD
So ya! thanx commenting dude! you made my day ^-^
I kinda had a fight with my brother, this girl likes him. She is from Richmond hill. and she is just his friend. But the thing is she is a complete slut. and he get offened when i say thing and freaks at me. I told him to get out of my room. My room, My rules!
but ya my brother is getting this really bad attitude with me. Usually i just brush it off but it seems everyday he is calling me a bitch. I am never mean to him, and i will always be here for him, but i guess he is just growing up to be a jerk. I hope it passes. Really, he is more like my mother than he knows. My father knows it too. I may look more like my mother, but i have the personality of my father. My brother looks like my father, but has more of the personality of my mother.
But enough about him, his problems will pass, like me, he can never stay mad at a person for very long. The only time we stay angry or upset is when someone really hurt us.
I am not going to go into it, but someone really hurt me, used me, and discarded me like a rag. I am not going throuhg that again and i told her to go away and leave me in peice. Nothing more, and i am not loosing sleep over it.
Well i think i will go, i have lots of stuff to do x_x
-commenting dude