Look new entry!!! lol i am sooo tired right now and i think after i am done here i will go to bed!
well i played slave again to Lady Amanda! I had to mek these nooks marks, which i do really love :P

Aren't they great! i think so!
Well they are wayyy better than anything that Robbie could do! lol nothing he will ever do will beat me on my defeat! He doesn't admit of course that he he lost, but we all kno he did! So i say i challenge him! if he can write a...
small..:O :O :O..entry! If you can do that and say everything that you want you win! lol
he will never do it i kno! lol well i think i will go to sleep now... good night!
I could SO make better pictures than you too.
I'm just not gonna show you, 'cause you'll cry.
I showed my friend, who loves photoshop, and he started crying.
Later he claims he was laughing so hard he was crying, 'cause I called the images "blends".
Pfft, riiiiight.