Summer Dreamsby flameheartRight now i am currently re-doing my website! yah!!!! Well i am going through everything and make new graphcis and new awesome layout!
What do you think? I just have to code it now and make sure all my pages go with it.
well it gives me somthing to do for a while.
dinner was changed, it is on thursday instead. The only real reason i was going to have it yesterday was that my friend was suposta come down for the weekend. This works better for all of us, well no so much monkey, but my dad says that we will get there even if we have to call a cab.
I still hvae no clue what my dad got me. He tole me on the 7th that he ordered it and it came on the 15th but i have no clue what it is. He says its not a violin, so i dunno.
I don't think i am going to play the violin anymore. I have to many other things to keep up my time. I don't really want to do to it anymore. Somthing put me off of it.
Maybe i will try the drums -thinks- hummmm...maybe XD
Well i think that is is for now, i am going to go to bed and i hope i go to the mall tomorrow to buy books!
Well i was reading the paper and another kid died at the EX. Like come on! hoe many people have to die beofre they close the damn park! or atleast build it better! i would never go there, never, i just never wanted to. It seems like someone is always dieing there.
I might go for other things then the rides, but you would never catch me on one of them. it is sad really, it seems every summer a kid dies from a fulty ride or somthing. You figure they would come down hard on the park and make it up to standards. I think the only difference from the EX and a fair, is that the fair moves before it can get in trouble.
