Withdrawlby flameheartWell guess what, i am having withdrawl symtoms from no Gravitation! o no what is poo little linds going to do! well a) i am going to try and get the money to buy 8! lol and i delt with it by making this tottaly wicked bg
i love it i think it is soooo cool! and all that jazz
well as you can se we were taking pictures again. go to see them in amanda's diary
These are some of my favs :P
Well as you can see we went crazy!
well i got hosted on my website!!! yay i am soo cool now! why not all go to see it too! http://sd.virtual-limits.net/
Well i had fun on thursday, i went to the mall with amanda and we saw andrew, cavell, nikki and randy. Which was really akward to me....double dates scare me....
o well me and amanda still had lots of fun!
and when i went to parent teacher night all i got was praise from all my teachers! yay me! and all my art was displayed and when my grandomther saw it i swear to go she almost cried! lol she loved it!
Well i am listing to the my new Motley Crue cd that i bought with my painting money! =O o ya i got paid the other day for my painting!
i rock and kick ass! lol
o well i am not really in the mood to sit here and write... i think i will go searching for a significant other, maybe i will find one soon! arrrg o well ttyl!

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