Listening to: Bloodhound Gang - Pennsylvania
Feeling: alright
So, yesterday started off bad, and ended really good.
For most of the day, I sat here in a complete daze. I couldn't think, and if I did think, I started crying. For NO apparent reason whatsoever. Nothing I did was enjoyable, nothing entertained me. All day it was just .. EH.
So Josh got home, and we got ready. Went down to Southside to The Record Exchange to sell some of our stuff that we dont use. Then I found the Breakfast Club .. for the fabulous price of .. $8.00! haha, It seriously made my whole day. So I now own 3 of the Brat Pack Films. [Sixteen Candles. St.Elmos Fire. & The Breakfast Club] So after that we had to drive all the way to fucking SWISSVALE to drop some money off for my Mommy. It was so good to see her. She's so cute. haha. Then we drove down to the Waterfront, and went to Dave & Busters. Ate dinner, and went & played some games. Turned in our tickets. I got a Teddy Bear for Kaylah, a back scratcher, & a lil teddy bear that said "I love you" for Josh. Around 9 [when happy hour starts .. lol] we had a few drinks. I love the Blue Samba drink down there. OH! & I found my favorite shot. Some people call it a Red Apple, others call it a Washington Apple. Whatever it is, it's delicious. Equal parts of - Crown Royal, Apple Pucker, & Cranberry Juice. So after we each had like 3/4 drinks, + a shot .. we came home. I get online, and Justin asked me to go to the bar with him. So I did. I had a beer, while he had 2. Then I came home.
So as I was leaving to go meet Justin, I stumbled over a box inside my front door. Inside the box there was a book. The book was ..
"I hope they serve beer in hell" - Tucker Max
You have NO idea how excited I am over this.
Tucker Max is coming to Pittsburgh to do a book signing on February 21st @ the Cathedral of Learning .. 1st floor. I'M SO GONNA BE THERE. This man is almost my role model. =)
OHHH!! I almost forgot.
When we were at Dave & Busters, I informed Josh that i'd like to get in one of those lil booth things and have them draw our pictures. Well I found one. This thing takes your picture, + your boyfriend/girlfriends pix, and it makes a baby! hahaha. Oh yes, we so did it. Here's the pic --->
Yes, our baby is fucking adorable. Hopefully, it'll be that cute if we actually have babies together.
Oh yeah, I named the baby Damien, because everyone refuses to let me name my first son Damien. So, I guess fake baby can have that name.
haha .. k I'm done.
TooDLeS ♥

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