Last night was fantastic.
I managed to drink a pint of Jager, split a 5th of Crown Royal with Jules, then proceeded to drink between 5 - 8 Smirnoff drinks. WITHOUT PUKING! Hoorayy!!

[Julie is making a retarded face]

Tommy & Alison
Tommm is doing the "I'm the possesive boyfriend" thing.

Howie. Jules. & Myself

The best picture Julie & I took last night.

Happy New Years! ♥ THE Dara & Julie

Jason LOVES Cabana Boy. Maybe a little TOO much.

Howie & Missy

Me. Alison. & Missy

I honestly have no idea.
Dan & Julie

HAHA - I dont know, but it looks funny.
Dan & Josh

Jules, Me & Don .. half shitfaced

The Couples
[Josh & I. Alison & Tommy. Katie & M. Missy & Howie]

I kissed my Prince at Midnight ♥

Josh. Howie. & Dan

Jules. Howie. & Myself

Tommy & Alison

Jules & Keith
"Julie, just go up to him & say 'Hello, my name is SINGLE' .. " hahaaaa

Katie & M

M. Howie & Me
I have NO idea whats going on in this picture.

Missy ..

Julie & I
We were drunk. We were happy.
haha. All in all, it was terrific night.
No drama.
Plenty of alcohol.
People puking.
People stumbling around.
Good times. Good times.
TooDLeS ♥