Today was good. =]
Jules called around 3, and wanted to hang out. So she said she'd take a shower, then she'd call me back. Hung up with her, only to have her call me back 5 minutes later to invite me over for dinner. So I talked to Justin, he said he wanted to hang out. So I went over her house, we had pot roast, mashed potatos, green beans, carrots + rolls. MMM .. so yummy. Then we went and saw her Grandma + Pap, I missed them. Then we called Justin and he came and met us. We couldnt think of anything to do, so we drove to my house, and got my camera. Then decided to go to South Park to see the aminals! Yay! We fed the duckies, saw a goose piss, saw a groundhog up close, saw a broken duckie =[, saw peacocks, but the buffalo's were hiding. So after that, we drove around SP, went to play with this balloon that when you blew it up, & let it go, it flew through the air and made a cool noise. But I was dumb and let it go, and it popped! Ugh I was soo sad. Then we went to the burn run. Didnt smoke though. Then we drove down to Southside, then up and down brownsville for like an hour. Then we went and got Wendys .. we all got a jr. bacon cheeseburger, but me + jules also got a ceaser side salad. Came back to my house, where we played 5 thousand. I KICKED ASS! I won I won!! haha. Then Jules left, and me and justin kicked it for a while. Watched TV + talked. Good times, good times. =]
That's all .. I posted pix below.
TooDLeS ♥