So I downloaded an assload of 80s songs today. I swear, I was born in the wrong era. lol.
I also bought a coat. I know, I know. Dara in a coat?! Say it isn't so. lol. But it is!
Dara: i bought a coat today
JLynn: what you in a coat?
JLynn: unheared of
JLynn: you are the hoodie queen
But someone should SERIOUSLY go buy me this pink coat from gabes! It's so 80s! I almost creamed myself when I saw it.
I also got the GREATEST hoodie ever today. Yes, I'm a tad obsessed with hoodies. Fuck off. I own like .. 15 of them. Something like that.
Here's a picture ---->

Yah. It rawks. Hooray for Walmart!
Bought some stuff for Christmas. Got Kaylah a lil teddy bear, it was 5 bux, so it worx. Um, had a prettyyyy awesome day with Josh today. We went out to a bunch of places shopping & stuff. Then we went to Eat N Park. Our waitress sucked, so I took half her tip. bahaha. Stupid cunt. Oh well. That is all..

TooDLeS ♥