Dyed my hair last night. OHH BOY. That was a FUN time .. NOT. So I initially dyed it light LIGHT blonde Tuesday night. I decided I didnt like it. So yesterday I went n bought dark blonde dye for highlights, and light/medium brown for lowlights. Well .. the dark blonde highlights ended up being like super super blonde. So I just ended up dying the whole head brunette. HAAA. Ima put some shitty pix in here so you can see the difference. & See why I fuckin re-dyed it. lol.
I ended up dying my hair 3 times in a day in a half. Lets hope my hair doesn't fall out!

Natural Hair Color ♥

After Highlights .. notice how it looks like a shitty dye job?

Ima brunette! =]
Don't mind the shitty fucking pictures. I'm ugly, you dont hafta remind me. =]
So I hung out with Jess last night. We had a hair dye party. YESS. We both ended up dying our hair twice last night. + I drank about 3 of my "Tropical" drink. [[Coconut Rum + Pineapple Juice .. MMMMM]] && We sm0ked a LOT of fuckin bud. haha. It was a good time.
Then I fucking passed out at like 2 am, with my candles still burning. Yep, ima dumb retard. lol. That is all.
TooDLeS ♥