Feeling: antisocial
I'm bored... Ok I feel like rping or something... Been working on a new layout for my stable on furcadia... It's going to be cool but i'm running out of room don't know what to do about that... Oh wells... I'm trying to convince my mom to get me a kariokee machine so I can sing and stuff. It'll be so sexy. Anyway XD my mom's complaining about the amount of eyeliner I put on. SERIOUSLY I DON'T PUT THAT MUCH ON!!! Damn it she makes me mad. Oh well... She's also complaining about my chains which make me feel damn sexy. XD I'm trying to get her to take some pictures of me so I can be all.. O.O YEAYAWYERAIAJFLKJ. I'm bored and we're going to go to a movie. Oh ya I want my doggie we get to go pick her up on tuesday. I'm so excited!!! Anyway she's so cute I can pick her up and noone else can cause I'm just special XD.
I'll carry her around like everywhere. When she's tired on walks and stuff. Apparently it looks really cute when I do it o.o... Ohh I need to see if my mom wants to see The Grim Brothers... *asks* Ahh man she said no... THAT MOVIE WAS FUCKING COOL!!! XD yep HORSES THAT SHOT SPIDERWEBS OUT OF THERE MOUTH AND ATE LITTLE GIRLS!!! IT ROCKED!!!! MY FRIENDS ROCK FOR TAKING ME TO IT XD. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! SO MUCH!!! I don't wanna go back to school on tuesday cause I don't feel like it. I hate people bugging me about how I fucking look. I like it so don't fuck with me about it -_-.

and yes The Brothers Grimm did so totally rock!!